The Trucker’s Journey

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Bob was a truck driver. He logged over 3 million miles in his days behind the wheel. When he retired, Bob worked for a friend of mine. Bob would run errands and pick up needed supplies. My friend that employed Bob is a contagious Christian, so is his wife.

Working for the couple changed Bob. Forever. Bob became a Christ follower in his late years. When Bob became a Christian he thought EVERYONE should become one too. He was on fire. He joined the church that I was fortunate enough to pastor and I baptized him. He was 70 something at the time.

Bob was not long for this earth. Not too long after his conversion it was discovered that he had cancer. I had the privilege of officiating his funeral.

At the service were people from all walks of life. Many of them were truckers like Bob. I spoke of Bob’s conversion and of the change in his life. I spoke of Heaven and of his new home.

Not too many weeks later I ran into a man who knew Bob. He was at the funeral and his spiritual antenna was definitely tuned in, although he was not a Christian. We became friends. Good friends. He became a Christian and is following Christ today. Although I have moved away, we still keep in touch often.

My friend Bob changed the world. There is no telling how many people came to believe in Christ because of Bob. Or was it the couple that he went to work for? Or was it the people that lead them to Christ? Let’s agree to give God the credit. Let’s be contagious Christians.

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"Anytime you’re around him, you feel the love of Christ. His actions and words have guided me through the sad times and happy times. Thankful the Lord sought to overlap our journeys here on Earth!”

Ellen G.

"David has a genuine faith and love for people. He can apply what Bible says to today’s situations with humor. He makes Bible come alive so that you know what God is saying and can apply it.”

Deanie G.

"David Shivers and his ministry have been a blessing to my life and my walk with Jesus. In today’s culture it’s all about “look what I have done." David is a Pastor who focuses on “Look what Jesus has done. The work that David does is truly priceless and we are grateful to have him in our lives."

Charlie B.

"David is truly a light on a hill for Jesus. His messages are always relevant, inspiring and completely bible based. He walks the walk. His sweet spirit and positive attitude are a joy. He helps me see Jesus in a way that's real and has improved my walk tremendously."

Kathy Y.

"David Shivers is an all around amazing person! He is the true definition of a pastor, friend and motivator. He leads, teaches and shows the true way to live the Christian life and will answer any question you could ever have. He opens his heart to the world and I’m beyond thankful and blessed to have him in my family’s life! I look forward to all that he will do and all the lives he will continue to change in this world!"

Molly B.