The Farmer and the Angel


My neighbor, Charlie, was a GREAT neighbor. He brought us fresh veggies when the garden was in. He looked after our place like a guardian angel. His house was in the shadow of the church I pastored in Indiana.

Charlie was a farmer. He had worked in a factory for years and was retired when I met him. He was the salt of the earth. He was modest and trustworthy and not prone to exaggeration or foolishness. I say that as I begin because one day he told me a fantastic story. Because I knew Charlie and would vouch for his character, I immediately believed the unbelievable.

I met him in 1998. The story he told me occurred in 1974. He was on his tractor in one of his fields just north of Hopewell Baptist Church. Farmers give directions using the compass markings of North, South, East, and West. Charlie was farming and thinking.

He had gotten some news from his doctor that caused concern. I cannot remember the diagnosis but it was serious and Charlie was facing surgery. He was driving his tractor and praying. You need to know Charlie was a man of faith. I say “was” because he is in Heaven now. But that day in 1974 he had a miracle.

Have you ever wished you could see an Angel? I suppose all of us have. Charlie did. On that day in 1974 in that field north of Hopewell, my neighbor said an angel came and rode along with him on his tractor. With tears rolling down his face he shared with me his Heavenly visitor rode along for a bit, never uttering a word.

Charlie also said that because of that encounter he had a peace about the medical procedure ahead. It all turned out well and Charlie lived a good long life. I never have seen an angel. But I believe my neighbor and friend did

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"Anytime you’re around him, you feel the love of Christ. His actions and words have guided me through the sad times and happy times. Thankful the Lord sought to overlap our journeys here on Earth!”

Ellen G.

"David has a genuine faith and love for people. He can apply what Bible says to today’s situations with humor. He makes Bible come alive so that you know what God is saying and can apply it.”

Deanie G.

"David Shivers and his ministry have been a blessing to my life and my walk with Jesus. In today’s culture it’s all about “look what I have done." David is a Pastor who focuses on “Look what Jesus has done. The work that David does is truly priceless and we are grateful to have him in our lives."

Charlie B.

"David is truly a light on a hill for Jesus. His messages are always relevant, inspiring and completely bible based. He walks the walk. His sweet spirit and positive attitude are a joy. He helps me see Jesus in a way that's real and has improved my walk tremendously."

Kathy Y.

"David Shivers is an all around amazing person! He is the true definition of a pastor, friend and motivator. He leads, teaches and shows the true way to live the Christian life and will answer any question you could ever have. He opens his heart to the world and I’m beyond thankful and blessed to have him in my family’s life! I look forward to all that he will do and all the lives he will continue to change in this world!"

Molly B.