Weekly Sermons

Can I Lose My Salvation?

March. 9th, 2025

Sermon cover art - Ten Commandments #3

3.Ten Commandments

Week of May 30th, 2021
Featured image for sermon - 10 commandments #2

2.Ten Commandments

Week of May 23rd, 2021
Ten Commandmentss #1 featured image

1.Ten Commandments

Week of May 16th, 2021
Sermon #10 of 10 things every christian should know.

#10 Heaven or Hell

Week of May 9th, 2021
#9 Real World Faith - Sermon

#9 Real World Faith

Week of May 2nd, 2021

#8 You Are Dead To Sin

Week of April 25th, 2021
Sermon - every Christian should pray

#7 Every Christian Should Pray

Week of April 18th, 2021

#6 God Can Change You

Week of April 11th, 2021

Easter 2021

Week of April 4th, 2021

Palm Sunday

Week Of March 28th, 2021

#5 – You Find What You Seek

Week of March 21st, 2021

#4 Fact Not Feeling

Week of March 14th, 2021

Ask David Shivers a Question

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"Anytime you’re around him, you feel the love of Christ. His actions and words have guided me through the sad times and happy times. Thankful the Lord sought to overlap our journeys here on Earth!”

Ellen G.

"David has a genuine faith and love for people. He can apply what Bible says to today’s situations with humor. He makes Bible come alive so that you know what God is saying and can apply it.”

Deanie G.

"David Shivers and his ministry have been a blessing to my life and my walk with Jesus. In today’s culture it’s all about “look what I have done." David is a Pastor who focuses on “Look what Jesus has done. The work that David does is truly priceless and we are grateful to have him in our lives."

Charlie B.

"David is truly a light on a hill for Jesus. His messages are always relevant, inspiring and completely bible based. He walks the walk. His sweet spirit and positive attitude are a joy. He helps me see Jesus in a way that's real and has improved my walk tremendously."

Kathy Y.

"David Shivers is an all around amazing person! He is the true definition of a pastor, friend and motivator. He leads, teaches and shows the true way to live the Christian life and will answer any question you could ever have. He opens his heart to the world and I’m beyond thankful and blessed to have him in my family’s life! I look forward to all that he will do and all the lives he will continue to change in this world!"

Molly B.