I Don’t Know You But I Love You

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Her name was Helen. She is in Heaven now. She was the kind of person that would make you say - “If she doesn’t make it there none of us will.” I was her pastor in the twilight years of her life. We became friends for a few years and then her memory began to escape her. Her family had to make the hard decision to place her in a facility that could cater to her new needs.

Not long after she arrived at the memory care unit I went to visit her. She looked the same. I looked the same. But everything was now very different. She had no recollection of me. We sat and talked and she kept asking who I was. I would tell her and then she would forget again.

The conversation was strained to say the least. We had little common ground anymore. I was thinking to myself that I was wasting my time. As soon as I left I figured she would forget that I had even been there. After a brief time I headed to the door.

When I grabbed the handle to exit her room, she looked at me from the sofa and said words I will never forget. She said - “I love you.” Now she had told me that before. Helen was a loving woman. But this time it was different. It hit me like a ton of bricks. She loved me even though she didn’t know who I was! It seemed that in that moment God spoke to me saying - “Hey Shivers, that’s how you need to be.”

I don’t know you, but I love you. What a world this would be if all of us were like that. I called it good prejudice. This world is filled with bad prejudice, but if all of us had good prejudice and lived by the motto - I don’t know who you are but I love you - what a world this would be.

It took a lady who had lost her memory to make an indelible memory on my life. I don’t know you, but I love you.

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"Anytime you’re around him, you feel the love of Christ. His actions and words have guided me through the sad times and happy times. Thankful the Lord sought to overlap our journeys here on Earth!”

Ellen G.

"David has a genuine faith and love for people. He can apply what Bible says to today’s situations with humor. He makes Bible come alive so that you know what God is saying and can apply it.”

Deanie G.

"David Shivers and his ministry have been a blessing to my life and my walk with Jesus. In today’s culture it’s all about “look what I have done." David is a Pastor who focuses on “Look what Jesus has done. The work that David does is truly priceless and we are grateful to have him in our lives."

Charlie B.

"David is truly a light on a hill for Jesus. His messages are always relevant, inspiring and completely bible based. He walks the walk. His sweet spirit and positive attitude are a joy. He helps me see Jesus in a way that's real and has improved my walk tremendously."

Kathy Y.

"David Shivers is an all around amazing person! He is the true definition of a pastor, friend and motivator. He leads, teaches and shows the true way to live the Christian life and will answer any question you could ever have. He opens his heart to the world and I’m beyond thankful and blessed to have him in my family’s life! I look forward to all that he will do and all the lives he will continue to change in this world!"

Molly B.